Charities to date still include both local *Helping Hands* and *Acorns Childrens Hospice*
Richard Parry, committee member for Manor MTC, checks out the latest addition to the fleet
Manor have been giving to local charities since its first show in 1953
At an Addams Family show rehearsal, Chairman of Manor Lynne Ridge was pleased to hand a cheque of £ 300 to Clare Whitaker, founder of the local charity *Helping Hands of Birmingham* they help feed and clothe the homeless on the streets of Birmingham amongst other support roles.

Our Charity Work
Every year we make a donation from our show and other social activities. We currently donate proceedings to the West Midlands Air Ambulance. Helping Hands and St Giles children's hospice The society has now handed over in excess of £5,000 over recent years.
Manor Musical Theatre Company (originally Operatic) has in fact handed over many thousands of pounds for various charities since their first show back in 1953.
My how times have changed, the charity then and, for many years, was the Infantile Paralysis Federation (Poliomyelitis) and in 1956 the society handed over 25 guineas. This equates to about £ 650 in today’s value so a princely sum then.
The society have performed their annual show at Sutton Town Hall continuously from 1953 thanks to loyal supporters and audience.

Cecily Gilbert BEM President of Manor Musical Theatre Company proudly presents a £500 cheque to Pat Roberts of Midlands Air Ambulance during a break in the cast rehearsal for Kiss me Kate. Pat spoke of their appreciation and that every penny goes direct to this worthy charity.
She confirmed that as well as the new ambulance they now have a Doctor on board each helicopter.
Manor committee member Richard Parry was shown around a new addition to the fleet below